Expert mental health care based on evidence, knowledge and experience.

Harley Street Psychiatry offers a simple, confidential and affordable way to obtain help for a range of mental health issues, and alcohol or substance misuse.


On average, 1 in 4 of us will experience some kind of mental health problem.

Dr Grewal is a Psychiatrist. He offers an initial psychiatric assessment as an outpatient which usually takes around an hour. Following the assessment, a diagnosis and bespoke treatment plan will be discussed with you.

Psychiatry is a branch of medicine dealing with people with a huge range of mental health conditions. Dr Grewal has more than 25 years experience as a doctor, 18 of which are as a consultant psychiatrist in London teaching hospitals.


Harley Street Psychiatry offers effective medical diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems and substance misuse disorders.


Meet Dr Pardeep Grewal

BSc, MBBS, MSc, FRCPsych, MAcadMEd

Dr Grewal offers assessments and treatment as a psychiatrist in general mental health condition, with specialist expertise in ADHD, mood disorders, addiction, and trauma-based work.

He is based at 10 Harley Street and offers remote sessions for people who prefer to engage in this way. He also has a clinic at 22 Welbeck Street with Cognacity and he admits a small number of patients to Gladstone Clinic Cotswolds.

Dr. Pardeep Grewal is recognised by all the major private health insurance companies

Our Location

Consulting rooms are based at 10 Harley Street London, a world-renowned centre of medical excellence. We also see patients at home on request. Contact us for more information.

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